This section shares a few global agendas, declarations and regulations that advocate the rights of people and social justice in environmental conservation.
The IUCN has launched a new global roadmap to advance rights and equity in conservation, aiming to create more inclusive and sustainable conservation practices.
This study highlights the vital role of diverse, inclusive, and equitable conservation practices in achieving sustainable environmental outcomes.
This article highlights community-based conservation’s role in empowering locals to protect natural resources.
A typology of Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ roles in conserving biodiversity.
ICCAs (Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas) are territories governed by Indigenous peoples and local communities, vital for conserving biological and cultural diversity.
OECMs (Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures) are areas outside protected regions that deliver long-term conservation benefits for biodiversity through effective management practices.
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) establishes a universal framework to protect the rights, dignity, and cultural identity of indigenous peoples globally.
Credit: Photos - Manish Machaiah (cover), Kalyan Varma, Manish Machaiah, Shivam Shinde