
Entries for November 2020

The New 'Superstar Farmer'

Views: 3771
The New 'Superstar Farmer'
(November 30, 2020) Voluntarily relocated tribal man, Vijaya, was honoured as a 'Superstar Farmer' by the Kannada newspaper Vijaya Karnataka in Mysore on 27 November 2020.Vijaya Karnataka daily is identifying progressive farmers with help from the experts for the last couple of years. Vijaya, a first-generation farmer who is also a primitive tribe, was selected for this award from the Heggadadevana Kote Taluk.Vijaya’s father Puttaiah was a resident of Maladahadi tribal settlement of Antharasanthe Wildlife Ran...


Posted in: From the Field

Making local communities a part of our GIB conservation project: Nimba Livestock Camp, 27 November 2020

Views: 3126
Making local communities a part of our GIB conservation project: Nimba Livestock Camp, 27 November 2020
(November 28, 2020) Continuing our efforts in fostering partnerships with communities for Great Indian Bustard (GIB) conservation,  a livestock health camp was held in a village situated in Desert National Park, on 27th November. The camp was held in collaboration with the Animal Husbandry Department of Jaisalmer.1295 sheep and goats were vaccinated with Enterotoxemia vaccine by staff from the animal husbandry department during the course of this camp, this has been a regular  drive of the department to v...


Posted in: From WCS-India

Two-Day Training on ‘Detection, Investigation, and Prosecution of Wildlife Crime’ for Beat Forest Officers

Views: 3886
 Two-Day Training on ‘Detection, Investigation, and Prosecution of Wildlife Crime’ for Beat Forest Officers
(November 19, 2020) State Forest Training Institute, Walayar, Kerala and WCS-India organised a two-day online training on 17th and 18th November for 49 Beat Forest Officers. The training focussed on capacity building of the trainees to detect, investigate and prosecute wildlife offenders. The training began with the inaugural address by Ms. R. Keerthi, Director, SFTI, Walayar, Kerala.Day 1: First session was an introduction to wildlife trafficking and context setting by Ms. Aathira Vasudevan, Project Assistant, WCS...


Posted in: From WCS-India

Webinar on ‘Counter Wildlife Trafficking’ in collaboration with Goa Forest Department

Views: 2995
Webinar on ‘Counter Wildlife Trafficking’ in collaboration with Goa Forest Department
(November 17, 2020) On 05th November, WCS-India conducted an online training on ‘Countering Wildlife Trafficking’ for 35 DCFs, ACFs and RFOs of the Goa Forest Department, on the topics of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, search, seizure and arrest protocols, and applications of wildlife forensics in crime scene investigation. To take these sessions we had with us, Mr. Praveen Bhargav, Managing Trustee, Wildlife First; Dr. S. P. Goyal, Scientist-G, WII and Ms. Pradipty Bhardwaj, Legal Trainer, WCS-India. ...


Posted in: From WCS-India

IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 5

Views: 3051
IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 5
(November 13, 2020) (Update written by Sourabha Rao) The last day of our IFS training course began with several IFS officers sharing their experiences of the voluntary relocation process in their areas. Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Deputy Director, South Division (Palamau Tiger Reserve); Balaji Kari, DCF, Udaipur North and Ram Karan Khairwa, CF, Wildlife, Udaipur (Sariska Tiger Reserve); N. Ravindra, CCF Southern Zone UP, Prayagraj, were the speakers. They said that with the support of senior officials and the willingness ...


Posted in: From WCS-India

IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 4

Views: 3116
IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 4
(November 12, 2020) (Update written by Sourabha Rao) Our IFS training course today began with a presentation by our very own Mutthana P. M., Senior Director of our Conservation Support Group. He explained the nuances of voluntary relocation work in Karnataka and Kerala that he and his team work on, drawing from his immense experience in the field.       "The notion that people are living harmoniously with wildlife in certain areas is far from the truth. If you spend time inter...


Posted in: From WCS-India

IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 3

Views: 3526
IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 3
(November 11, 2020) (Update written by Sourabha Rao) Today’s IFS training course began with Mr. K. K. Sunil Kumar’s presentation. He is presently working in Mannarkkad Forest division. While preparing a plan for voluntary relocation of families from Wayanad in 2003-2004, he visited the new settlements, interacted with the voluntarily relocated families and with NGOs who assisted in the relocation process and got inspired and played an important role in the process. Mr. Kumar said, "Remoteness...


Posted in: From WCS-India

IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 2

Views: 2650
IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 2
(November 10, 2020) (Update written by Sourabha Rao) The second day of our IFS training course began with the screening of a documentary film on Bhadra Tiger Reserve. Following this was a fascinating, interactive session with Mr. Gopalkrishne Gowda, retired IAS officer and Principal Secretary, Govt of Karnataka, known for his work in wildlife conservation during his various tenures in administration. He addressed the participants of our IFS training course, sharing his insights into voluntary relocation. &nbs...


Posted in: From WCS-India

IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 1

Views: 2739
IFS Workshop 2020 – Day 1
(November 09, 2020) (Update written by Sourabha Rao) Our IFS training course, which is being held online this year, started today with over 50 IFS officers from across the country. Key figures from government institutions and organisations who were and have been involved in the voluntary relocation process, have been discussing various aspects of voluntary relocation and other issues such as human-wildlife conflict.     The virtual gathering was interactive with time dedicated to question-...


Posted in: From WCS-India

Avifaunal diversity along the riverine habitats of Papikonda National Park

Views: 3427
Avifaunal diversity along the riverine habitats of Papikonda National Park
(November 04, 2020) Indian skimmer seen along the riverine habitats of Godavari river ©Giridhar MallaRiver channels and adjacent riparian zones play critical ecological roles, which include supporting rich and unique biodiversity. However, these habitats are increasingly being subjected to large-scale modifications resulting in their loss and degradation. In a recently published short communication, WCS-India Associates Paromita Ray and Giridhar Malla document the importance of the riverine and riparian h...


Posted in: From WCS-India






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