On the brink of silence: Sparrows' quiet flutter in face of oblivion | Down to Earth
Sparrow populations have declined in recent years, especially in urban areas, due to habitat loss, reduced food availability, and changing farming practices. Conservation efforts now focus on creating bird-friendly environments to support their recovery. Sparrows play a key role in pest control and maintaining ecological balance.
Glaciers in Eastern Himalayas see marked retreat | Mongabay
Glaciers in Arunachal Pradesh retreated at an average rate of 16.94 sq km per year between 1988 and 2020, with a marked decline in glacier area and number. Researchers link this retreat to rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns, increasing the risk of glacial lake formation. Inventories using satellite imagery highlight climate change impacts and inform future Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) risk assessments.
Madhav National Park in Madhya Pradesh becomes India’s 58th Tiger Reserve | The Hindu
Madhav National Park in Madhya Pradesh has been declared India’s 58th Tiger Reserve and the state’s ninth. Located in Shivpuri district, the reserve currently has five tigers, including two recently born cubs, with plans to release more soon. The move is part of ongoing efforts to strengthen wildlife conservation and restore ecological diversity.
Eucalyptus is a false promise that threatens India’s grasslands | Down to Earth
Eucalyptus plantations in India, particularly in Karnataka, deplete water resources, suppress native biodiversity, and threaten grassland ecosystems. Researchers and policymakers advocate removing invasives, restoring native grasses, and promoting biochar use to align ecological restoration with sustainable livelihoods. Karnataka’s evolving policy response highlights the need for science-based land management and collaborative conservation efforts.
Satellite transmitters to track migratory routes of nesting Olive Ridley turtles in Odisha | The New Indian Express
Scientists from the Wildlife Institute of India have fitted satellite transmitters on two Olive Ridley turtles at Gahirmatha to track their migratory routes. The telemetry project aims to gather data on surface activity and movement patterns, building on earlier efforts that faced technical and mortality-related challenges. Research confirms that Odisha's Ridley population is genetically distinct from other global nesting sites.