Tigers occupying new areas, shows census report; expect a bigger jump in final big cat count, say experts | India Today

The latest tiger census report in India ‘The Status of Tigers 2022’ released shows that the tiger population has grown by at least 200, from 2,967 in 2018 to 3,167 in 2022. The report also reveals that tigers have occupied new areas in several Indian states, including Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra. However, the Western Ghats has seen a decline in the tiger population. The report provides a broad picture of the big cat population in India, with more details expected to be released in two months.
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Explained: How DNA Profiling Will Ensure Better Protection Of Elephants In India | India Times

The MoEFCC has launched a DNA profiling initiative for captive elephants to improve their protection and welfare. The initiative involves collecting DNA samples from elephants in captivity and creating a national database that will help track their origins, migration, and genetic traits. The database will also help identify and prevent illegal trade and trafficking of elephants. The move comes after a recent spate of elephant deaths due to human-elephant conflict and poaching in India. Officials will be able to record and retrieve precise information about each elephant via a smartphone app, which seeks to enhance elephant care and well-being.
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World's first conservation, breeding centre for Asian king vultures ready in UP's Maharajganj | Times Of India

Jatayu Conservation and Breeding Centre (JCBC), the world's first conservation and breeding centre has been built and designed exclusively for the conservation of Asian king vultures through ex-situ conservation measures such as captive breeding in UP’s Maharajganj district. The Asian king Vulture is critically endangered and protected under the Wildlife Protection Act. Its decline has been attributed to the widespread use of the NSAID diclofenac in veterinary medicine. The 1.5-hectare facility includes aviaries, a food processing centre, and an incubation centre. The 15-year project aims to breed at least 40 vultures.
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Scientists Discover Two New Beetle Species In Arunachal & Sikkim | East Mojo

Two new species of beetles, Melolontha arunachalensis and Melolontha lachugensis, have been discovered in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh by the scientists of the Zoological Survey of India. The researchers named the new species after their localities, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. The new species were found after examining specimens dating to 1992 and 2015. The findings have been published recently in the journal Zootaxa, a peer-reviewed scientific mega journal for animal taxonomists, published by Magnolia Press in New Zealand. The study was done by Devanshu Gupta, Denis Keith, Debika Bhunia, Priyanka Das, and Kailash Chandra.
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WCS names new President and CEO - Monica P. Medina | EurekAlert

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that Monica P. Medina has been appointed WCS President and CEO, beginning June 1, 2023. She is the first American diplomat to promote global biodiversity while in office. Medina brought in a new age of environmental diplomacy as a foreign policy priority at the State Department. She will join WCS to lead its goal to rescue animals and wild places, using the force of its four zoos, an aquarium, and other Global projects across over 60 countries.
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