Indian skimmer seen along the riverine habitats of Godavari river ©Giridhar Malla
River channels and adjacent riparian zones play critical ecological roles, which include supporting rich and unique biodiversity. However, these habitats are increasingly being subjected to large-scale modifications resulting in their loss and degradation. In a recently published short communication, WCS-India Associates Paromita Ray and Giridhar Malla document the importance of the riverine and riparian habitats of the Godavari River in supporting a vibrant avian community and in providing critical habitats for threatened riverine species. Eight globally threatened avian species were recorded during the study including the 'Endangered' black-bellied tern and the 'Vulnerable' Indian skimmer. In fact, the Godavari delta in Andhra Pradesh is a crucial site for conservation of Indian skimmers, as congregations of the species have been recorded annually along the delta.

Indian Eagle owl is mostly seen perching on the rocks along the Godavari river ©Giridhar Malla
Read the scientific publication here.