Wildlife Conservation Society-India, in collaboration with Goa Forest Department, organized a 2-hour webinar on ‘Counter Wildlife Trafficking’ for 44 DCFs, ACFs & RFOs from the Goa Forest department on 8th September. The focus of the webinar was on Key Provisions of the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972, and Crime Scene Investigation. The webinar was inaugurated by Mr. Subhash Chandra, PCCF, Goa, and Mr. Santosh Kumar, APCCF, Goa.

Ms. Pradipty Bhardwaj, Legal Trainer, WCS-India shed light on the Prohibitions, and Key Sections under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

A session on Crime Scene Investigation was conducted by Mr. C. Rajendran, IFS (Retd).

The webinar concluded with a Q&A segment and vote of thanks by Mr. Santosh Kumar, APCCF, Goa.