
Entries for April 2019

ATR: the stark and beautiful landscape

Views: 2651
ATR: the stark and beautiful landscape
(April 28, 2019) Grasslands of Amrabad Tiger Reserve © Kiran YadavThe Serengeti is a vast and varied landscape, with savannah, hilly woodland and grasslands thrown in. The Amrabad Tiger Reserve in Telengana is one of the biggest parks in India. Here too, you will find a mix of dry, deciduous scrub, woodland and grassland, with what some ecologists believe are a savannah spread. If the Serengeti has granite outcroppings in its grasslands, the Indian tiger reserve also has its share of quartzite rocks ov...


Cottoning on the pug mark

Views: 1906
(April 23, 2019) Written by Rohit SubhedarKagaznagar forest landscapeGreetings with any person here usually begin with a hearty “Ram ram kaka”. A chair or a charpai is immediately offered, followed by extremely sweet tea decoction, and it is considered rude not to accept the tea. On a day when one is not working, conversations can be endless.Gonds and Kolams inhabit the Kagaznagar forest landscape in Telangana, which connects three major protected areas namely Tadoba, Indravati and Kawal. The landsca...


‘Accountability and incentivization – Need of the hour’

Views: 2561
(April 19, 2019) Dr G V Reddy, IFS and PCCF Development, Rajasthan speaks about various concerns facing forests and wildlife in India.Dr G V Reddy, IFSHe is so in awe and admiration of the tiger, he calls himself ‘a servant of the tiger’. Save the tiger and its forests, you save vital water and so many resources we humans need, is his firm belief. This forester of over two decades has had many run-ins with poachers and had arrest warrants issued on counter cases filed by poachers. Dr G V Reddy, the P...


Why we need to save the wetlands

Views: 1949
Why we need to save the wetlands
(April 16, 2019) The Ramsar Convention defines wetlands as: “areas of marsh, fen, peatland, or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing fresh, brackish, or salt, including marine waters, the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres.”Wetlands often occur in disconnected patches, and therefore wildlife species associated with them are also fairly disconnected, except for their occasional migration. As the number of wetlands in a lar...


Camera trapping: More than wildlife selfies!

Views: 3132
Camera trapping: More than wildlife selfies!
(April 10, 2019) A whole lot of thought and effort go into setting up cameras at vantage points across a landscape.The alignment and initial work before securing the camera to the trunk.We see plenty of wildlife selfies going viral these days - macaques looming large in front of the lens, the rear end of a tiger, a bear scratching his belly, and thousands of other unseen behaviours, all thanks to the magic of camera traps. Being able to get a glimpse of the most intimate moments of the daily life of wild, elusiv...


Lending a helping hand for 'a happy life'

Views: 1509
Lending a helping hand for 'a happy life'
(April 05, 2019) A donor pitches in to help a family struggling inside a national park to start a new life outside.The Poojari family settling at the alternative house outside the forestA house deep inside the Kudremukh National Park with the nearest town 6 km away. A 22-year-old child who is an Endosulfan victim and needs constant help. A young daughter who had to trek 6 km to attend classes. A life that became even tougher with reduced job options. An unbuilt house outside the forest for which funds had dried ...


Photo credits: Rujan Sarkar (Cover)






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